You may register at anytime. It may be helpful to register before Saturday, when most of the activities will be occurring.
Here's How to Register:
1. Go to
2. Click the "Start Bidding" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
3. Click the "Create Account" button.
4. Enter your email address.
5. Wait for verification email (check your junk folder if you don't receive it.)
6. Follow verification link and complete form. Be sure to provide your mobile number.
7. Verify payment method, billing address, email and mobile number are correct. Click on boxes to update information.
8. Click on the "Start Bidding!" link to enter the auction.
Note: Credit cards won't be charged until a set time AFTER the event, when our staff run them. Your won or purchased items will become part of your total sales purchase for the night. Therefore, there will only be 1 charge run to your credit card.